Cally Trench's homepage • Cally Trench's Artist's Books
The Institute for Ground-Level Mapping & Exploration (IGLM&E) specialises in books exploring and celebrating unnoticed aspects of human life (such as how loudly we speak in different circumstances and the marginal notes we make in books) and the urban environment (including front gates, washing lines, carvings on gravestones, and the emotional atmosphere in shops). If you would like to buy a book, please email me: hello at callytrench dot co dot uk |
This book contains eight of the rhythms we tapped. Readers can tap the rhythm themselves on the drum using the wooden drum stick provided, and attempt to identify the tune, thus placing themselves on both sides of the bathroom door. A clue is given in the form of the initial letters of the opening words of each song.
The yellow cover is a homage to the famous Eulenburg pocket scores. Fonts: Book Antiqua and Nueva Std Condensed. Signed and numbered. Printed ink on watercolour paper (inside pages), Clairefontaine Simili Japon ivory paper (the scores), and Sunshine Yellow card (the cover). Hand and machine sewn. Edition of 20. Signed and numbered. Price £27.97p. |
Marginal Notes on Simon: At the age of 15, I made marginal notes in my copy of a novel set for English Literature 'O' Level, in preparation for an essay on the character of Simon. Marginal Notes on Simon shows the 25 pages with marginal notes; the original text is omitted, and its shape is indicated by a thin red outline (revealing chapter headings, indentations, and paragraph ends). My notes are shown in their original location, but printed rather than hand-written, thus becoming the text of the new book. Although the text of the novel exists only in ghost form, my marginal notes create a minimalist and partial version of the story. Readers may well identify the original novel, or get a sense of its themes. The cover illustration is an enlarged and altered fragment of a black-and-white still photograph from the 1963 film of the book, which was used on the cover of my copy of the original novel. Printed ink on watercolour paper. Hand sewn. Two editions of 12. Signed and numbered. Price £16. |
In VU Meter, eight micro stories written by Cally Trench are accompanied by original drawings of a VU meter: a near-obsolete analogue device for measuring loudness that was once found in nearly every home - on record players and similar equipment. Each story culminates with a sentence or phrase that the reader is invited to speak at the appropriate volume. Edition of 20. Price £12. |
WE SHALL MEET AGAIN is a catalogue of late-Victorian and early-Edwardian hands motifs on gravestones. The bereaved would, as now, choose a design, and the printed image on paper became a carved message in stone. One symbol favoured by the newly-widowed was two right hands - one female, one male - touching for the last time, sometimes accompanied by the words WE SHALL MEET AGAIN: a confident promise of reunion as the beloved left this everyday world for the unknowable and immeasurable expanse beyond death. Cally Trench [re-]created this catalogue by making drawings from fifteen gravestones dated 1890-1916. Edition of 25. £16. |
A Dictionary of Geographical Features in Late-Victorian and Early-Edwardian Letter-Cut Stone House Names in High Wycombe (2019): in certain areas of High Wycombe, there are streets of late-Victorian and early-Edwardian 'villas' of moderate grandeur. These houses are mostly semi-detached, and many still have decorative elements such as carved stone heads and flowers over the windows, and letter-cut stone house names above the storm porch. In slightly less grand houses, a single stone plaque may name a pair or terrace of houses. The stone house names are in varying condition: some are essentially unchanged and unpainted, others all but obliterated by weather or unappreciative owners. Edition of 20. £12. |
Cemetery Botany shows photographs of small carvings of flowers and plants found on late 19th or early 20th century gravestones, and coloured versions that bring the carvings to life. These stone carvings were chosen by mourners to express their feelings, or the character of the deceased, through the symbolism of plants. Some of the carvings are botanically correct; in others, flowers and leaves do not match. Many similar carvings are now decaying and neglected. They do not receive the attention and renovation given to larger grander monuments. Edition of 25. £15. |
Twenty-five Wrought Iron Front Gates is a spotter's guide to a dying species; front gates are disappearing from our streets as front gardens are converted into parking spaces. Made of wrought iron, with curly and straight lines translated into metal, these gates are symbolic portals rather than solid defences. Edition of 15. £15. |
Eleven Views of Fiona's Washing Line is a zigzag book, showing a series of photographs taken at different times of the year of a laden washing line. With tumble dryers, few people use washing lines in their garden, and even people who do dry their clothes out of doors often use rotary lines. The washing line strung from a post to a tree with an ever-changing tableau of clothes blowing dry in the wind is dying out. Edition of 11. £15. |
An Emotional Atlas of Friars Square is based on an emotional mapping project in Friars Square Shopping Centre, Aylesbury. It aimed to map the emotional colours and patterns of each shop, without regard for the actual interior decor. Edition of 3. £15. |